
音乐学士(B.M.) in 音乐教育 with a Minor in All-Level Education in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (查斯), at the 道成肉身的大学 is designed specifically to shape, prepare and certify music educators to teach at the K-12 level in public or private school systems.



Music classes in elementary and secondary schools are an integral part of learning that are not only enjoyable to many students but can also enrich their lives and education. Studies have repeatedly shown that music education has a wide array of academic and wellness benefits beyond classroom instruction. Music educators can help students improve their work, master memorization and increase coordination. Educators also provide a creative outlet that helps their young students stay engaged in school and provides a sense of achievement, while also building imagination and intellectual curiosity. 除了在教室里工作, music educators have pursued entrepreneurship or private coaching, using their skills and love of music to help people in a more individualized setting. 校本’s program boasts a nearly 100% job placement rate immediately after successful completion of the program.


B.M. in 音乐教育 degree at 校本 is a 146-credit hour program that combines a music degree with educational requirements needed to apply for the Teacher Certification Program* (TCP). This degree program requires a minor in All-Level Education through an interdisciplinary partnership with 校本’s 德利本教育学院. With a focus on developing exceptional musicians and exceptional educators, 这个节目融合了音乐修养, 表演及合奏工作, 学习音乐历史和文化. 学生 learn directly from faculty with deep experience as educators, 全体董事 and program heads at the university and K-12 levels.

校本 students in the 音乐教育 program must declare a performance focus of voice or a traditional band or orchestral instrument, 有一个与此相关的学位课程. 校本 students will take 40 credit hours 的音乐ianship, 22学时的应用音乐, 独奏会及合奏, including 14 credit hours of lessons in voice or principal instrument and eight credit hours of major ensembles, 还有14个学分的音乐教育, in addition to 40 credit hours of general studies.

作为他们学习的一部分, 音乐教育 students also have the opportunity for pre-clinical teaching instruction as interns or section leaders with the marching or concert ensembles.


辅修:接受教育辅修, 校本 students must take six credit hours of pre-professional requirements in Foundations of Education and Critical Concepts in Secondary Education with an application to the Teacher Certification Program. 学生 also take part in a Professional Development Sequence in the minor designed to prepare them for classroom or individual teaching. Courses in this sequence include Learning 的ories, 课堂管理, 教学技术与临床教学, where students gain valuable real-world experience in approved educational settings.

*To apply for the Teacher Certification Program (TCP):

  • EDUC 2305 Foundations of Education must be in progress or completed with a grade of C or higher.
  • Completion of the THEA test with a grade of at least 230 on all sections. This test is administered once a month at the 校本 Testing Center (210) 829-3876.
  • Applications to the TCP are accepted once a semester during a two-week application period (Sept.2月. 和5月). 的 application form may be picked up at (Gorman Building) GB 124. Call (210) 829-3878 for specific application dates. 请注意,平均绩点为2.75 is required for acceptance into the program.

的 校本音乐系 is housed in a new, state-of-the-art building, featuring: 

  • 500-seat Diane Bennack Concert Hall* with a Steinway D grand piano featuring performances by 校本 ensembles, guest artists and performers from the civic community 
  • Ingrid Seddon Recital Hall*, a 101-seat venue with a Steinway B grand piano 
  • 唱诗班和乐队排练厅 
  • A state-of-the-art recording studio* that includes a 7-foot Yamaha Disklavier grand piano 
  • A music therapy suite, including a services center for offering clinical sessions to the community 
  • 钢琴实验室有17架新的克拉维诺娃数码钢琴 
  • 有17台imac电脑的电脑室 
  • 18个温格模块化练习室 
  • 7个教学工作室*和2个普通教室* 
  • 有45个座位的演讲厅 
  • 打击乐工作室* 
  • 听力库 

*声学设计:Russ Berger Design Group 
唱诗班教室, 乐队大厅, Concert Hall and Recital Hall are wired to the recording studio, allowing for remote recording of rehearsals and performances throughout the building.


校本的B.M. in 音乐教育 provides a direct path for students to become teachers at the K-12 level, or to continue their education to become teachers at the postsecondary level. Upon completion of the degree program and the Teacher Certification Program, they are well prepared for roles in the classroom, 作为私人教练, 全体董事, 音乐节目协调员, 以及其他音乐教育事业.


的 道成肉身的大学 is accredited by the 全国音乐学校协会 (NASM).